F.A.Q.s Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for the Website
What is the difference between the ANCC and the AANP NP Board examination?
The American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC).
An ANCC Credential awarded will read: FNP-BC
The credential is valid for five years
The exam has about 175 questions, with a few not scored.
You must have a score of 350 to pass
ANCC has more renewal options
Check out the website  ANCC Certification Link
“Effective September 28, 2022: the test content outline for the Family Nurse Practitioner certification exam will be updated. Please access the appropriate Test Content outline below. Also, check out American Nurses Foudation
There will be a 5-business day test suspension period to allow for the exams to be updated.Â
The last update was after September 27, 2022.”
American Academy Of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
- The credential is valid for five years
- The credential awarded will read: FNP-C
- The exam has about 150 questions, and a few are not scored
- “New Examinations: Are developed annually and released every January. All items are reviewed to ensure consistency with therapeutic clinical guidelines and references published at the time exams are developed.”
- Check out the website https://www.aanpcert.org/
AANP has fewer renewal options
Are the review courses for Acute Care or Primary Care NPs?
ANS: Our Review courses are currently only for FNP and AGNP.
Are the Review Courses for AGNP students too?
Ans: Yes, but the AGNP students can skip the pediatric section
Should I enroll in any of these courses while in NP school?
Ans: Yes, you can enroll as you are close to graduation and may retake a course as needed after graduation
Does the AANP Board Exam include any non-clinical questions?
Ans: Yes, the AANP does include non-clinical questions, contrary to common beliefs
Where do I cancel my subscription/account?
Ans: There is a post with instructions on how to cancel after you have purchased a course, or you can go to “Settings”> “Billings”> cancel my subscription
If I forget to cancel a subscription, can I get a refund?
Ans: You can cancel in advance if you do not want your subscription to automatically renew. Remember, you have the responsibility to cancel prior to automatic renewal; there are no refunds.