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What is the difference between ANCC and AANP? What do I do after I graduate from school?

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np exam Aug 07, 2022

ANCC versus AANP

Which board exam should I take?

You have worked hard and graduated from ANP school.

Now the $1,000,000 question is which board examination should you take? Congratulations.



ANCC stands for American Nurses Credentialing Center. The ANCC offers certification board examinations for the following roles. Family nurse practitioner.

Adult-Gerontology primary care nurse practitioner. Adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner. Psychiatry mental health nurse practitioner. Adult gerontology clinical nurse specialist. Family nurse practitioner. The family nurse practitioner is a competency-based examination that provides. Assessment of entry-level skills and clinical knowledge of an FNP. Once you complete eligibility requirements and pass the board examination, you. Will be awarded family Nurse Practitioner, board-certified FNBC.


               How Long Does the ANCC certification last?

             The credential is valid for five years. The FNP exam contains about 175 questions, 150 squared test items, plus 25 pilots. Test items that are not scored and do not count towards the final score. The FNP Board examination allows about 3.5 hours. Renewal requirements for the ANCC. Renewal must be completed after five years prior to license lapse. ANCC provides several options for NP renewal. This includes.

Continuing education. Academic courses. Presentations and lectures. Publication or research? Preceptorship professional service. Practice hours or. Assessment, in which you can take the board exam to renew. Check out the website For more information. The difference between an ANCC and AANP is the different renewal options that an ANCC provides. AANP, Stands for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. The AANP offers board examinations for the following roles. Family nurse practitioner. Adult-Gerontology primary care nurse practitioner. Emergency nurse practitioner. Our concentration is on the family Nurse Practitioner board examination. ANP after meeting the requirements and passing the exam, the candidate is awarded. Family nurse practitioner certified FNBC. The credential is valid for five years.

There are 150 questions, but only 135 questions are scored. 15 questions not. Scored. You are allowed three hours to take the FNP board examination.

Check out: AANP website For more information. AANP renewal requirements. The AANP examination has only two options for renewal. Option one is recertified by clinical practice hours and continuing education. Option two is to recertify by taking the Aanp board examination. So as you can see, the amp has fewer options for renewal compared to that.


If you are planning on working only in clinical settings, AANP will be a great come. Renewal time, but if you are thinking of working in other areas other than clinical. Settings then and CC may be a better option for you come renewal time. Conclusion. I hope this helps you in making your decision about which board examination to take.

Is it going to be ANCC or AANP? Good luck. Check us out at for your reviews for the FNP board examination. Thanks for watching. 



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