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Nurse Practitioners can you answer this cardiovascular question?

Jul 10, 2023

Questions like this will appear on the test. Let's see what you got. 

Read the question carefully, then understand the question, and then answer it.

Give yourself 2 minutes to answer this question.

Which of the following diagnostic tests is commonly used to assess ventricular function and ejection fraction in congestive heart failure?

  1. A) Electrocardiogram (ECG)

  2. B) Chest X-ray 

  3. C) Cardiac catheterization

  4. D) Echocardiogram


Correct answer and explanations are below. Try to answer without looking at the answer key below.


Explanation: Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition characterized by the heart's inability to pump blood efficiently. Assessing ventricular function and ejection fraction is crucial to diagnosing and managing CHF. Let's evaluate the options:

  1. A) Electrocardiogram (ECG): An electrocardiogram is a test that records the heart's electrical activity. Although it is helpful in understanding the electrical system of the heart, it is not routinely used to evaluate either ventricular function or ejection fraction. That is why it is the wrong response.

  2. B) Chest X-ray: A chest X-ray is commonly used in CHF to assess cardiac enlargement and look for evidence of pulmonary edema. Although it can provide indications of heart enlargement and pulmonary congestion, it does not directly assess ventricular function or ejection fraction. Hence, it is not the correct answer.

  3. C) Cardiac catheterization: This procedure involves threading a thin tube (catheter) into a blood vessel in the heart to measure blood pressure, oxygen levels, and blood flow. Because of its invasive nature, it is not commonly used to evaluate ventricular function or ejection fraction in CHF, despite the fact that it can provide valuable information about the heart's hemodynamics. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

  4. D) Echocardiogram: This is the correct answer. An echocardiogram uses ultrasound waves to create pictures of the heart, and it is a non-invasive diagnostic tool. It is commonly employed to assess ventricular function, including ejection fraction, in CHF. An echocardiogram can provide valuable information about the heart's structure, motion, and blood flow, making it a preferred diagnostic tool for evaluating CHF. Therefore, it is commonly used to assess ventricular function and ejection fraction in congestive heart failure.


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